Reflecting on 2023
2023, what a year you’ve been. Tough for many people, across the generations, as we continue to find our feet and recover from the knock-on effect of the Covid years.
But we need to look forward to good times ahead, as well as using this time to reflect back on what went well this year – and we all had something good. It’s so important to be grateful and to spread love, peace and happiness. Couldn’t we all do with more of that?! Plus some laughter, genuinely the best medicine.
It is the time of year for giving. Remember this doesn’t need to be big, showy acts of giving. A little kindness is more than enough, a little thought, phone call or visit to a friend, family member or neighbour. Letting someone know they’re in your thoughts, or a random act of kindness can really make someone’s day.
I am a big believer in not putting off till tomorrow what you can do today. I know from experience that something else will come up and steal your attention. Do it now. Embrace the moment with no regrets!
So what went well for you this year? For me, it was working with some fabulous people, some old, some new…
Yes Futures charity – they work with 66 schools and I was a volunteer coach with one of them. We had monthly coaching sessions and a residential team building weekend at the end. I LOVED every minute. Seeing how the young people transformed before my eyes, learnt to communicate and increased in confidence and overcame their fears was incredibly rewarding. (I wrote a blog about it too.)
My support team – just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a support team to run a small business. As a self-employed coach, the bucks stops with me on all aspects of the business. I know where my strengths lie, and they’re certainly not in websites, writing content or photography.
Dale Vincent Coaching - an expert in coaching children and teachers, I had the opportunity to be a volunteer coach at a Year 7 Transitional Day in Houlton School, Rugby. The move to secondary school is huge for many children, and working with Dale Vincent and his team was an unforgettable experience. It was a super rewarding day for me, getting the chance to work with the student, co-coaches and the opportunity to meet Team GB athlete, Edward Faulds.
Careers fair – Bishop Challoner, an independent school in south London, had a careers fair and I took a stand so I could meet some Year 7 and 8 students. I spoke to them about the opportunities that are available to them and what they need to do to start on their career paths. These type of events are fabulous because I get to talk to such a mix of people and age groups, and anything I can do to help them move on is so rewarding.
My networking groups – I love networking. It’s a great way to meet other business people, find a support network and create a set of work colleagues – invaluable when you largely work alone. One of my groups ran a pilot programme of coaching for the members and I was only too pleased to be one of the coaches. The programme was successful and has made a difference to the business owners who were coached.
And on the personal side, 2023 has been a fabulous time for family
Holidays – managed to get away with both my sons and granddaughters this year for the first time in about five years. We had such a fun time swimming in the sea, playing It and Piggy in the Middle and football till it got dark.
Adventures with my girls – I love spending time with my beautiful granddaughters and this year we’ve had days at the seaside, where we even managed to get their great grandma to come along, we’ve made tie-dye t-shirts for their dad’s birthday, and I helped them learn to ride their bikes. Amongst all this, we’ve just enjoyed our time together.
2023 has been a balance of work and play, remembering to savour the good times. So a huge thank you to those mentioned here, to my family, my fabulous clients, and to all of you for your support. Look back on 2023 with joy and pride, and look forward with even greater hope to 2024. And don’t forget to take the time to stop, pause and breathe it all in, and enjoy some time with whoever you choose to be with. Spread as much peace, love, happiness and kindness as you can. There can never be too much.
Finally, if you need someone to talk to over the holidays, I am always here. Please just reach out.