New Intentions for Spring

Spring is the perfect time of year to set new intentions. We’re almost a quarter of the way through the year already, so this is a great time to assess how far you’ve come, how you are progressing with your goals and if you need to reset or redirect your aims.
As the days get longer, enjoy that extra daylight to think about what you would really like to achieve. Brighter days inspire us to think more creatively and be more adventurous, after all, spring is a time of new beginnings and growth. Remember, though, giving yourself a long list of unrealistic goals can lead to overwhelm and a sense of underachieving, and that is not the aim here.
Instead of writing a list of a dozen things you want to achieve, stop, pause and breathe and think about what you REALLY want to do. What is it you thoroughly enjoy doing? Or that would bring positive change if you could achieve it? It doesn’t have to be massive, simply something that is important to you. Perhaps you want to get out more – set yourself a goal of walking at least 6,000 steps a day, for example. Achieving one thing will give you enormous satisfaction and then the impetus to achieve one more thing.
Is your goal a big one but you’re put off because you don’t think it’s achievable? Where has that thought process come from – is it fear of stepping outside your comfort zone? Not wanting to let yourself down? We are programmed to play it safe, to survive, but you will feel amazing for stretching yourself that bit further to realise your goal or dream.
Think about why you think the goal is unattainable. Break it down into smaller steps that you can achieve, one by one, so it becomes achievable. Find an accountability partner, someone you can share your goal(s) with and who you can regularly check in with for updates.
This is where I come in. Working with a professional coach is the ideal way to home in on what you would like to be doing. We can start by talking through the options available to you to help you pinpoint your target or aim. It’s amazing how much clarity comes from simply saying things out loud. Then if your goal does feel huge, we can break it down into smaller, attainable steps, with an outline of when each can be achieved. Then book a regular check in with me to review how you’ve progressed, what if anything distracted you from the target, and how great it feels to be advancing. We can work together to reset if needed or keep you moving forwards.
Not sure where to begin? Think about the things that make you smile, that you look forward to doing. Or perhaps you used to enjoy doing when you had more time. That’s what you should be focusing on doing more of. None of us really likes doing things we don’t particularly enjoy, so choose something that either makes you happy or will lead you to getting more out of another aspect of your life.

My top three tips for this spring are:

  • Enjoy the fresh new season. Embrace the light and new start.
  • Do more of what makes you happy. It doesn’t matter how big or small, it’s your decision.
  • Avoid the news! World events are outside of our control and you don’t need to be diverting energy away from focusing on you.

And one extra tip – get in touch with me to get you on the path to springing forward this year.