Spring Clean Your Life & Your Work


Spring has arrived at last...

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heralding the end of the damp and dark months of winter. It’s a time to look forward, re-energise and make plans. But there remains uncertainty, and a fair amount of tiredness and overwhelm. So rather than worrying about things we can’t fix, you could this time to spring clean both your life and work. Remember that we can’t manage time, but we can manage ourselves. And that includes making our lives less stressful and being kinder to ourselves.

Never underestimate the power of talking to someone. It doesn’t cost anything to just pick up the phone, you just need to take the initial step. Talking brings clarity and relieves the pressure. It doesn’t even need a structure, it’s more important to talk and get it all out. I am an impartial and non-judgemental listener, ready to hear what you want to say and then help you find your way through. It’s very difficult to compartmentalise your life into home and work and so life coaching and business coaching overlap. Sorting out one element will certainly bring clarity to the other.
If you would like to talk about anything that’s going on in your personal or professional life, please let me know.